Rabu, 20 Januari 2021

'This is your time': Obama congratulates Biden before his inauguration

Former President Barack Obama congratulated President-elect Joe Biden ahead of the latter's inauguration on Wednesday, telling his former vice president that “this is your time.”

As Biden was attending a church service alongside Congressional leadership ahead of his inauguration Wednesday, Obama sent his well wishes in a tweet.

"Congratulations to my friend, President @JoeBiden! This is your time," Obama wrote online, accompanied by a photo of the two men together.

Biden served as Obama’s vice president from 2009 to 2017. The two have enjoyed a friendship — albeit a complicated one at times — over the years. In 2019, Biden tweeted a photo of a friendship bracelet with “Barack” and “Joe” on it.

During the presidential campaign, Biden frequently tied himself to Obama, who did not endorse a candidate in the 2020 Democratic primary campaign, waiting until April to endorse Biden.

In the weeks before the Nov. 3 presidential election, though, Obama campaigned hard for Biden, holding drive-in rallies in support of Biden across multiple swing states.

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