Minggu, 17 Januari 2021

Fortress D.C.

A Marine stands guard at the door to the West Wing of the White House indicating the presence of the president in that area. Photo by David Butow/Redux

Late on a drizzly Friday night, just over a week after domestic insurgents stormed the U.S. Capitol, I returned to the scene to see the security blockades being set for Joe Biden’s inauguration. Days before, I’d photographed thousands of National Guard troops bivouacked in the complex and was able to work unimpeded. Clearly, the authorities want to send a message of formidable deterrence.

With stunning efficiency, roadblocks have been established about a half-mile away to all routes leading to the Capitol, Pennsylvania Avenue, the National Mall and the White House. Practically everything that a tourist would come to see in D.C. is now behind cement barricades and high fences, and you have to park your car and walk quite a ways to get to a series of perimeters.

The Secret Service is the lead agency, and it oversees each access point, at which you are also likely to encounter D.C. Metropoitan Police, Capitol Police and the National Guard. I was able to get onto the grounds only by showing my Senate press pass.

The Capitol is surrounded by multiple layers of fencing, some topped with concertina wire, as you’d see at a military installation. The scene continues west along Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House, the same route used for inaugural parades. This part of Washington is normally pretty quiet at night, but on this midnight, there was almost no one to be seen for blocks, and cars were almost nonexistent.

People have compared Washington right now to the Green Zone in Baghdad, and having been there a few times I can tell you the comparison is apt. But I’m reminded not of how the Green Zone felt months after it had been established, but rather in the first weeks after the invasion. There was an eerie desolation, the shock of transition and violence was still raw, and the future was unknowable.

A desolate view of Independence Ave. near the Capitol. Most parts of downtown Washington were closed to traffic on the Friday night five days before the inauguration of Joe Biden. A riot at the Capitol on January 6 sparked fears of further civil unrest and tens of thousands of National Guard troops have deployed to the city and fencing surrounds the Capitol and other areas of the city. Photo by David Butow/ReduxA crew installs cement barricades on a road near the Capitol building. Photo by David Butow/ReduxNational Guardsman stand watch on the Capitol grounds. Photo by David Butow/ReduxThe National Gallery of Art is now inside a security perimeter. Photo by David Butow/ReduxA National Guardsman stands watch on the north side of the Capitol grounds. Photo by David Butow/ReduxFlowers were placed on the fence on the west side of the Capitol grounds to commemorate the lives last there on January 6. Photo by David Butow/ReduxA group of National Guardsman stand watch on the northwest side of downtown Washington. Photo by David Butow/ReduxThe Trump International Hotel is surrounded by fencing. Most parts of downtown Washington were closed to traffic on the Friday night five days before the inauguration of Joe Biden. Photo by David Butow/ReduxA National Guardsman stands watch on Independence Ave. last at night on January 15. Photo by David Butow/Redux

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